
‘The’ foundation step of the timbrel praise technique

If you are going to learn to play the tambourine then this is where to start! Once you master the Shake, you will have no problem playing. To help you practise, try using the Shake to make the outline of letters or shapes. Playing with music is always lots of fun, too!



Twist the tambourine almost 180 degrees using a wrist motion in the direction indicated.

Make sure the sound you are making is even and controlled. This step requires lots and lots of practise!

Unless otherwise indicated, the Shake begins with the tambourine turning anti-clockwise.

Avoid playing on an angle.



The 1st number represents for how many beats the Shake should be played.

The 2nd number represents how many times the tambourine should be turned 180 degrees.



2/4 Shakes means that the tambourine will turn 4 times and each time will be for 0.5 beat = 2 beats in total
If the Shakes are to be played while moving, the symbol will be accompanied by an arrow.



Movements that use this step

Almost all movements use the Shake. This is “THE” foundation step of the Timbrel Praise technique of playing the tambourine.

Have You Finished?

Once you have finished learning this step, then it’s time for you to learn the next step!